Anthology Kickstarter!

Yesterday, we launched a Kickstarter campaign for the anthology of finalists from the first five years of the Mormon Lit Blitz and related themed contests. Eric Jepson, who has work in the book, reminded me today to put up a post here. Between the time I started and the time I went to copy the link, the campaign reached its funding goal!

That means you can now pre-order a copy knowing we’ll be sending it out in early December. You can also help us reach our first stretch goal: funding enough to get started on a second anthology next year, covering 2017-2021.

Thank you to everyone who contributed. It means a lot to us to know these stories will be finding a good home on your shelves. We’ve loved all the work that’s come out of the contest and are glad to have it in print. These pieces stand the test of time.

Palabras de Mormón contest winners in El Pregonero de Deseret

This summer, we published English translations alongside original Spanish texts for the top three stories in the Palabras de Mormón contest, which we co-sponsored with the Cofradía de Letras Mormonas. All the winners, including several unpublished honorable mentions, were just released in the beautifully designed fall issue of El Pregonero de Deseret.  Take a look!

Second Runner-up: The memory of that rain I do not remember by Santiago Vázquez

Read the original version in Spanish.

“Palabras de Mormón” is a Spanish-language Mormon literature contest, which was a collaboration between the incredible organization, Cofradía de Letras Mormonas, and the Mormon Lit Lab. The winners received cash prizes and will be published in the Spanish-language magazine, El Pregonero, as well as here on the Mormon Lit Blitz.

We are pleased to present the second runner-up for the contest, the flash fiction story “The memory of that rain I do not remember” by Santiago Vázquez.

The memory of that rain I do not remember

Santiago Vázquez
Translation by Gabriel González Núñez

Flower petals then began raining toward the black depths of the heavens. The fragile, purple leaves rose upward until they vanished into infinity or melded into the trembling brightness of the stars.

“That will be your new home,” he said, pointing to one of them.

“My new home…,” I repeated without speaking.

“Are you afraid?”

“A little,” I admitted and noticed that some of the petals floated in place as if not wanting to ascend. “I will not remember any of this, right?”

“No. And yet you will. You will remember it outside of your memories. You will remember it when the rain, which is so different over there, touches your skin. You will know that somewhere very far away and yet very close, on the other side of the rain, at the origin, is where I will be. I will be the memory of this rain you will not remember.”

Segundo accésit: Recuerdo de la lluvia que no recuerdo — Santiago Vázquez

Read the English translation here.

Recuerdo de la lluvia que no recuerdo

Santiago Vázquez

Y entonces comenzó a llover pétalos de flores hacia el negro abismo del cielo. Los frágiles copos púrpuras ascendían hasta perderse en el infinito o fusionarse con el trémulo fulgor de las estrellas.

—Aquel será tu nuevo hogar —me dijo señalando una de ellas.

—Mi nuevo hogar… —repetí sin palabras.

—¿Tienes miedo?

—Un poco —admití mientras advertía que algunos pétalos flotaban sin decidirse a ascender—. No voy a recordar nada de todo esto, ¿verdad?

—No. Y a la vez sí. Lo recordarás fuera de la memoria. Lo sentirás cuando te toque la lluvia que allí será tan diferente. Sabrás que muy lejos y muy cerca, del otro lado de la lluvia, en el origen, estaré yo. Seré el recuerdo de la lluvia que no recordarás.

First Runner-up: Birch by Jonatan I. Walton

Read the original version in Spanish.

“Palabras de Mormón” is a Spanish-language Mormon literature contest, which was a collaboration between the incredible organization, Cofradía de Letras Mormonas, and the Mormon Lit Lab. The winners received cash prizes and will be published in the Spanish-language magazine, El Pregonero, as well as here on the Mormon Lit Blitz.

We are pleased to present the first runner-up of the contest, the story “Birch” by Jonatan I. Walton.


Jonatan I. Walton
Translation by Dan Call

She fell like all the others. She tumbled between weeds, dry leaves, and humid earth until arriving at the base of the valley, where she had grown together with her sisters. The wind in that region carried her a little further, separating her even more from her family; nature’s cycle gave her the chance to carve out a spot in the rich earth and grow. Time wrought upon her the same as on anything. The seed sprouted, and as she saw the sun, was able to recognize who had shone upon her all that warmth she felt prior to birth.

She felt happy. She was alive. She understood that life was hard, and that only a few manage to overcome, with help, the earthen and clay barrier.  In her case, the invisible wind had carried her toward the light and warmth of the sun; and placed her in a wide space so she could freely rise up.

But many questions intruded on her existence, doubts she couldn’t answer on her own: why her and not some other seed? If everyone met the requirements, and they all had the same shot. She’d grown together with her siblings in the same bouquet until she had become a seed. If they were all the same, why had only a few made it? Why her?

An emerald moth told her that we all have reasons for growing and living; everyone and everything has a fundamental purpose in life, a cycle to complete and a mission. “I, for example, eat your leaves and you provide me with sustenance,” he told her while biting into one of her leaves with his mandibles. “Perhaps you think I’m hurting you, but your leaves will soon grow back, you’ll go on living and I’ll go on my mothy way.”

As she kept growing, the anxiety made her tense. To what end was she born? Why was she so far from her siblings? The seasons dressed and undressed her, and she grew into a robust, strong tree. Thousands of insects and hundreds of birds lived between her leaves and bark for ages.

Painted men, with clothing made of animal skins and feathers passed by her, and she witnessed colonizing wars. She thought that perhaps one of them would burn her to death, or some arrow or bullet would go right through her. But none of that happened; only a young soldier with a strange accent laid down beneath her to recover some strength, before going on his way. “Maybe I’ll end up as pulp for paper, or printer’s ink, o part of a shovel or a rifle, or some doll, maybe. Maybe an herbologist will take and turn me into part of some cure.” She thought like this while the earth spun, aging her bit by bit.

Now she was an adult but couldn’t (for some unknown reason) have offspring. She saw that her siblings were growing, and that some were being used as firewood and fences: a group of settlers had invaded those parts, and cabins sprung up as forests were cut down. But she went on unnoticed. The English arrived and the climate turned colder and colder, and her tree-heart felt heavier.

The birds told her that in other regions her species was held as sacred and that her distant relatives, able to withstand the great frosts, formed vast expanses of forest. But there, she was just another tree, looking like any other tree, not standing out in any way.

The sun came and went, the wind shook her from time to time, when she felt depressed. Her dreams of being someone important disappeared, like her autumn leaves. Time passed; she was old and large.

It was night or day, she couldn’t recall. It rained hard. All was so dark that it wasn’t possible to make out the stars or anything else. The furious wind blew, strong and threatening. The frightened birch asked the wind to calm down, but it couldn’t hear her and seemed to rain down even more copiously. Suddenly she heard a crack; her trunk, her support, had split, causing her to noisily fall to the earth. The birds flew off, avoiding being crushed, towards the safety of closer trees. She knew her roots would die. A drop of syrupy sap fell, a tear and reproach. She cried.

The sun kept coming out, drying her out. Many times the children from nearby farms flashed smile after smile as they played hide and seek around her dry trunk. The years went by, and her trunk dried to the point where it was nothing more than hollow bark. No saplings, no belonging to anything useful. Far from her family. She was born without motives, lived without motives, now she was dying without motives.

Months later she heard hurried footsteps. A young man with light brown hair knelt frightfully before her, in the hollow part. He seemed tired, but certain about what he was about to do. He carried with him something large, rectangular, and heavy, covered in a thin, worn out brown leather. It was a beautiful day, still morning. A light gust of wind lifted the leather just enough to let her see what the young man was bearing, as the sunlight revealed golden sparkles: they were thin sheets of gold, beautiful and held together by three rings, also made of gold. It looked like a huge book with engravings carved on its pages.

In her own way, the birch smiled like she hadn’t smiled in ages. She knew that everything which had happened, everything she had suffered, all that longing brought her to this shard of fleeting time.

The young man carefully hid the golden plates in the body of the tree, and, stroking the coarse birch, said, “Hide them well, so that they don’t find them.”

The birch smiled happily and died.



[Note: “Joseph soon learned why Moroni had charged him so strictly to guard the record taken from the hill. No sooner was it rumored that he had the plates, than efforts were made to seize them from him. To preserve them, he first carefully hid them in a hollow birch log.” (Hinckley, Gordon B. [1979], Truth Restored, 2002, p. 13)]

Primer accésit: Abedul — Jonatan I. Walton

Read the English translation here.


Jonatan I. Walton

Cayó como todas. Rodó entre malezas, hojas secas y tierra húmeda hasta llegar a la base del valle, donde había crecido junto a sus hermanas. El viento en esa región la llevó un poco más allá, separándola aún más de su familia; y el ciclo de la naturaleza le dio la oportunidad de hacerse un lugar en la rica tierra y crecer.

El tiempo como en todas las cosas pasó. La semilla retoño, y al ver el sol, pudo reconocer quien le brindaba ese calorcito que percibía antes de nacer. Se sintió feliz. Estaba vivo. Entendía que la vida era difícil, y que pocos logran vencer, con ayuda, la barrera de la tierra y la arcilla. En su caso, el viento invisible le había llevado hacia la luz y el calor de sol; y la puso en un lugar amplio para que pudiera elevarse libremente.

Pero varias preguntas invadieron su existencia, dudas que no podía contestar por sí misma: ¿por qué ella y no otra semilla? Si todas cumplían con los requisitos, y todas tenían la misma oportunidad. Se había criado junto a sus hermanas en el mismo ramillete hasta ser semilla. Si eran todas iguales, luego ¿por  qué solo unas pocas y no todas? ¿Por qué ella?

Una polilla esmeralda le dijo que todos tenemos motivos para crecer y vivir; todos los seres y las cosas tiene una función fundamental en la vida, un ciclo que cumplir y una misión.

—Yo, por ejemplo, como tus hojas y tú me sirves de sustento —le dijo mientras mordía una de sus hojas de punta dentada—. Tal vez pienses que te hago daño, pero luego tus hojas se repondrán, tú seguirás viviendo y yo seguiré mi camino de polilla.

A medida que crecía, la espera le ponía tenso. ¿Para qué había nacido? ¿Por qué tan lejos de sus hermanos? Las estaciones lo vestían y lo desvestían, y creció hasta ser un robusto y fuerte árbol. Miles de insectos y cientos de pájaros vivieron entres sus hojas y su corteza por mucho tiempo.

Hombres pintados, con ropa hecha de cueros de animales y plumas pasaron cerca suyo, y fue testigo de guerras colonizadoras. Pensó que tal vez moriría quemado por ellos, o alguna flecha o alguna bala lo atravesaría. Pero no pasó nada de eso; solo un joven soldado de acento extraño se recostó a recobrar fuerzas, y se fue.

«Tal vez sea pasta de papel, o tinta de imprenta, o parte de alguna pala o algún rifle, o alguna muñeca quizás. Tal vez me tome un herbólogo y me convierta en parte de algún remedio». Así pensaba mientras la tierra giraba envejeciéndolo poco a poco.

Ya era adulto, pero no pudo (por alguna razón desconocida) tener progenie. Veía que sus hermanas crecían, y que algunas iban siendo utilizadas para leña y cercos: un grupo de colonos habían invadido esos lugares, y las cabañas aparecían a medida que los bosques eran talados. Pero el seguía sin ser visto. Los ingleses llegaban y el clima se ponía cada vez más frío, y su corazón de árbol, más pesado.

Sabía por pájaros que en otras regiones su especie fue sagrada y que sus parientes lejanos, aptos para soportar grandes heladas, formaban grandes extensiones de bosque. Pero ahí era solo un árbol más, parecido a muchos otros árboles, sin destacarse en nada.

El sol iba y venía, y el viento lo sacudía de tanto en tanto, cuando parecía deprimido. Sus sueños de ser alguien importante desaparecía como sus hojas en otoño. El tiempo pasaba; estaba viejo y grande.

Fue de noche o de día, no recordaba. Llovía fuertemente. Todo estaba tan obscuro que no se distinguían ni estrellas ni nada. El viento enfurecido soplaba fuerte y amenazador. El abedul estaba asustado, pedía al viento que se calmara, pero éste no oía y parecía llover más copiosamente. De pronto escucho un crac: el tronco, su sostén, se había quebrado haciéndolo caer estrepitosamente al suelo. Los pájaros volaron, escapándose de ser aplastados, hacia el refugio de los árboles más cercanos. La raíz moriría, lo sabía. Una gota de la savia miel cayó como lágrima y reproche. Lloraba.

El sol siguió saliendo y secándolo. Los niños de las granjas cercanas le sacaron varias veces alguna que otra sonrisa al jugar a las escondidas en su tronco seco. Los años pasaron, y su tronco se secó al punto de que ya no era más que corteza hueca. Sin hijos, sin formar parte de algo útil. Lejos de su familia. Nació sin motivos, vivió sin motivos, moría sin motivos.

Meses después escuchó pasos apresurados. Un joven de pelo castaño claro se arrodilló asustado frente a él, en la parte hueca. Parecía cansado, pero seguro de lo que estaba por hacer. Llevaba consigo algo grande, cuadrado y pesado, tapado con un fino y gastado cuero marrón. Era un día hermoso y de mañana. El viento en forma de brisa levantó un poco el cuero dejando ver lo que el joven había llevado, y el sol presentó destellos dorados: eran finas hojas de oro, hermosas y sujetadas por tres anillos también de oro. Parecía un enorme libro con grabados tallados en sus páginas.

El abedul a su manera sonrió como no lo hacía en mucho tiempo. Supo que todo lo que había pasado, todo lo que había sufrido, toda esa espera conducía a ese fragmento de tiempo finito.

El joven escondió las planchas de oro en el cuerpo hueco del árbol cuidadosamente, y acariciando al tosco abedul dijo:

—Ocúltalas bien, que ellos no las encuentren.

El abedul sonrió feliz, y murió.





[Nota: «José Smith no tardó en darse cuenta del motivo porque Moroni le había recomendado tan estrictamente que protegiera los anales tomados del cerro, pues no bien se esparció el rumor de que él tenía las planchas, empezaron los esfuerzos por quitársela. A fin de preservarlas, primero las escondió cuidadosamente en un tronco hueco de abedul.» (Hinckley, Gordon B. [2002], La verdad restaurada, 2002, pág. 13)]


[Note: “Joseph soon learned why Moroni had charged him so strictly to guard the record taken from the hill. No sooner was it rumored that he had the plates, than efforts were made to seize them from him. To preserve them, he first carefully hid them in a hollow birch log.” (Hinckley, Gordon B. [1979], Truth Restored, 2002, p. 13)]

Grand Prize: In the Depths of the Heart by Moramay Alva

Read the original version in Spanish.

“Palabras de Mormón” is a Spanish-language Mormon literature contest, which was a collaboration between the incredible organization, Cofradía de Letras Mormonas, and the Mormon Lit Lab. The winners received cash prizes and will be published in the Spanish-language magazine, El Pregonero, as well as here on the Mormon Lit Blitz.

We are pleased to present the grand prize winner of the contest, the essay “In the Depths of the Heart” by Moramay Alva.

In the Depths of the Heart

Moramay Alva
Translation by Elayne Petterson

What determines whether you love someone? How much time should pass for you to start to love? Does it depend on how much time they lived together? Or on the moments when they lived together? By experience I have discovered that you don’t need to know a person for very long to love them. Some connections are almost instant and lodge themselves in the depths of the heart.

I love family history because it allows me to get to know many relatives, so I was very excited when I found out about my father’s family’s—the Márquezes’—family reunion. I had been searching for information about my great grandfather, Julio Márquez, and this was the perfect opportunity to find out more about him. I didn’t have much time the day of the reunion and could only greet a few relatives. It was the first time I saw Mayel, but we barely spoke. I gave him the research I had gathered, he thanked me, and I left.

A few months later he sent me a message. He had looked over my research, the research I had given him when we met, and he wanted my help. His wife had died a few months ago, and he wasn’t feeling well enough to organize the next reunion. I couldn’t believe that anyone could like family reunions like I did or maybe more and I was extremely happy to be a part of it, so I gladly accepted.

The next time I saw Mayel, he surprised me. We had only seen each other once before, and he greeted me with such familiarity, as though we had known each other our whole lives. A kind of fascination rose up in me and I couldn’t stop watching him. He was almost 50 years old and had a sincere smile; his black hair was speckled with gray, and his eyebrows were dense and black. He had an odd way of speaking to me, with a familiarity I had never felt, even from my close family. He loved family history as much as I did, but he had done more. He organized the biggest family reunion I had ever seen. With his characteristic enthusiasm, Mayel had successfully gathered more than four hundred relatives, from different cities, and the event was called the “Marquezada,” or the Great Márquez Party. He treated everyone oddly, speaking with such familiarity and care, as though they had years of friendship, even when they had met two minutes before. He displayed so much friendship that it was startling, but with his warmth it was easy to feel his sincerity. To him it didn’t matter how you looked, where you came from, or what you devoted yourself to; what was important is that you are family and that was enough for him.

The day of the reunion, in August of 2017, I arrived early to help with the final details. Mayel was wearing his characteristic hat, which gave him a touch of sophistication. While we spoke about the reunion, one of my cousins mentioned his son who had recently returned from his mission in Brazil. Mayel unexpectedly said, “I was Mormon.” At first I thought he was joking, but then he spoke about his bishop and the reason why he left the church. “It was silly,” he said. I couldn’t believe it, but I felt very happy. Now everything made sense: this was the reason why he was looking for family! And I started dreaming: maybe he could return to the church, I could help him, I had to. After a few hours, the reunion ended. When I was about to get into my car, Mayel came to ask me something and he hugged me. He smelled of alcohol, a smell I can’t stand, but for some reason this time it didn’t bother me. It was the last time I saw him.

Months later, I opened my Facebook page. One of his children posted a status asking for prayers for his father, and that was when I found out: Mayel had been in an accident and was in intensive care fighting for his life.

Days passed with little news. Not much information was provided about Mayel’s medical condition and I was sure everything would turn out well. One Sunday morning, I remembered how we had chatted about the Church, and after thinking about it a little, I built up my courage and asked his son if he would allow a priesthood holder to give him a blessing. After all, he was a member of the church and I was sure that this could help. His son only answered with a “no.” For some reason I felt a great sadness, as though they had rejected the last chance at saving him. I couldn’t do anything about it, I could only pray that this would turn into a bad memory.

That Sunday, during Sunday school, I felt more uneasy than normal. The answer I had received from Mayel’s son had really hurt me and I couldn’t stop thinking about how much a blessing could help him. I was absorbed in my thoughts, trying to pay attention to what was being said in the class, when my cell phone vibrated. I read the message; I rose as fast as I could and left the room almost running. It was as though the world had shut down. I couldn’t hear anything. I felt a pain in my chest and started to cry. I met my husband in the hallway, on seeing my face, he asked me what was up. I could only say, “Mayel is dead.”

The next days were filled with messages in which the hour and place for the funeral services were constantly changing. I was still in shock; I couldn’t believe it. After a few days, the day and place for the viewing were finally decided. I made the necessary arrangements and we traveled there with heavy hearts. We arrived at the viewing when it was about to end. I started to understand that I had lost more than Mayel. I had lost the family connection that I felt. I realized for the first time that I had only felt this degree of familiarity with him. I was a stranger to every other person, even his children, even when we had the same blood. Now, the same happy faces I had seen at the family reunion were pierced with pain, and even though I had seen seen them more than once, they were strangers to me.

We arrived at the cemetery, that particular cemetery that I don’t like. The air smelled of flowers, the flowers that proclaim death, a combination of sweet perfume and stagnant water. That place had always given me a strange feeling, and although I enjoy going to cemeteries for my genealogical research, more than once I’ve wanted to leave that place running. The graves are so close together that they seem to be on top of each other, and even when some have flowers, they look abandoned, with that strange gray color that stones take on after years. The cemetery looked sadder than ever.

We finally reached the place; it was small, surrounded by other graves and behind a resigned chapel. It was the right place to put the coffin. I wanted to approach, but I wasn’t close family, so I stopped in the back and waited for it to be over. I couldn’t believe it was possible that someone so important to me was in this small space surrounded by cold earth. How was it possible for my hopes to be buried beneath this gray earth that smelled of the flower of death? The sun shined and it was hot, but my heart felt cold and empty. I sat behind everyone else and pretended to be okay. No one could understand my feelings, not even myself. I couldn’t understand how my heart was broken. How was it possible for the death of someone I barely new to affect me in this way? How can I explain that I cried more for his death than for my own mother’s? I felt guilty. I hardly knew him. I didn’t have the right to feel this. It wasn’t logical. But it was real.

There were not other “Marquezadas” after Mayel was gone. Others have taken charge of organizing the food, the venue and the dancing, but no one has successfully brought the warmth from before. I’ve met other relatives, discovered new faces, but I never meet anyone like him. I still cry when I remember and I ask myself why his memory is so deeply entrenched inside of me. I feel love and pain for someone that I barely knew, but the connection between us was deeper than I could have ever imagined. I miss the sincerity in his voice, the warmth when he spoke to me. I miss how I felt at his side. I’ve learned how difficult it is to connect with someone in that way, that some never do. And how much we should treasure it when it happens.

Obra Ganadora: En lo profundo del corazón — Moramay Alva

Read the English translation here.

En lo profundo del corazón

Moramay Alva

¿Qué determina el que quieras a alguien? ¿Cuánto tiempo debe pasar para que lo llegues a amar? ¿Depende del tiempo que convivieron? ¿O los momentos que vivieron juntos? Por experiencia he descubierto que no se necesita conocer por mucho tiempo a una persona para llegar a quererla. Algunas conexiones son casi instantáneas y se introducen en lo profundo del corazón.

Me encanta la historia familiar porque me permite conocer a muchos parientes, así que estaba muy emocionada cuando supe de la reunión familiar de los Márquez, la familia de mi padre. Había estado buscando información sobre mi bisabuelo, Julio Márquez, y esta era la oportunidad perfecta para saber más sobre él. El día de la reunión no tenía mucho tiempo y solo pude saludar a algunos familiares. Fue la primera vez que vi a Mayel, pero apenas hablamos. Le di la investigación que llevaba, me dio las gracias y me fui.

Unos meses después me envió un mensaje. Había revisado mi investigación, la misma que le di cuando lo conocí y quería mi ayuda. Su esposa había muerto hacía unos meses y no se sentía muy bien para organizar todo para la próxima reunión. No podía creer que a alguien le gustaran las reuniones familiares como a mi o tal vez más y yo estaba sumamente feliz de ser parte de esto, así que acepté con gusto.

La próxima vez que vi a Mayel me sorprendió. Solo nos habíamos visto una vez y me saludó con tanta familiaridad, como si nos conociéramos de toda la vida. Ejerció una especie de fascinación en mí y no podía dejar de mirarlo. Tenía casi cincuenta años y una sonrisa sincera; su cabello negro estaba cubierto de canas, con unas densas cejas negras. Tenía una forma peculiar de hablarme, con una familiaridad que nunca había sentido, ni siquiera con mi familia cercana. Él amaba la historia familiar tanto como yo, pero había hecho algo más. Organizó la reunión familiar más grande que jamás haya visto. Con su entusiasmo característico, Mayel había logrado reunir a más de cuatrocientos familiares, venidos de diferentes ciudades, y la nombró «Marquezada». Su trato con todos era peculiar, hablaba con tanta familiaridad y cariño, como si tuvieran años de amistad, aun cuando tenía dos minutos de haberlos conocido. Se mostraba tan amable que sobrecogía, pero con su calidez era fácil sentir su sinceridad. Para él no importaba cómo te veías, de dónde venías o a qué te dedicabas; lo importante es que eras familia y eso bastaba para él.

El día de la reunión, en agosto del 2017, llegué temprano para ayudar con los últimos detalles. Mayel portaba su sombrero característico, que le daba un toque de sofisticación. Mientras hablábamos sobre la reunión, una de mis primas mencionó a su hijo que recientemente había regresado de la misión en Brasil. Mayel inesperadamente dijo: «yo era mormón». Al principio creí que bromeaba, pero luego habló sobre su obispo y la razón por la que dejó la iglesia. «Fue una tontería», dijo. No podía creerlo, pero me sentí muy feliz. Ahora todo tenía sentido: ¡esa era la razón por la que buscaba a la familia! Y empecé a soñar: tal vez él podría regresar a la iglesia, yo podría ayudarlo, necesitaba hacerlo. Después de algunas horas, la reunión terminó. Cuando estaba por subirme al auto, Mayel vino a preguntarme algo y me abrazó. Olía a alcohol, un aroma que no tolero, pero por alguna razón esta vez no me molestó. Fue la última vez que lo vi.

Meses después abrí mi página de Facebook. Uno de sus hijos publicó un estado pidiendo oraciones por su padre, y es cuando lo supe: Mayel había tenido un accidente y estaba en terapia intensiva luchando por su vida.

Los días pasaron con pocas novedades. No se brindaba mucha información sobre la condición médica de Mayel y yo confiaba en que todo saldría bien. Un domingo por la mañana, recordé la plática que habíamos tenido sobre la Iglesia, y después de pensarlo un poco me armé de valor y le pedí a su hijo que permitiera que algún poseedor del sacerdocio le diera una bendición, después de todo él era miembro de la Iglesia y yo estaba segura de que eso podría ayudar. Su hijo solo contestó con un «no». Por alguna razón sentí una gran tristeza, como si hubieran rechazado la última opción de salvarlo. No podía hacer nada al respecto, solo orar y pedir que esto se convirtiera en un mal recuerdo.

Ese domingo, durante la escuela dominical me sentía más inquieta de lo habitual. La respuesta que había recibido del hijo de Mayel realmente me había dolido y no dejaba de pensar en lo mucho que la bendición podría ayudarle. Estaba absorta en mis pensamientos, tratando de poner atención a lo que se decía en la clase, cuando vibró mi celular. Leí el mensaje; como pude me levanté y salí casi corriendo del salón. Era como si el mundo se hubiera apagado. No escuchaba nada. Sentí un dolor en el pecho y comencé a llorar. Encontré a mi esposo en el pasillo, al ver mi rostro, me preguntó que me pasaba. Solo pude decir: «Mayel está muerto».

Los días siguientes estuvieron llenos de mensajes en los que se cambiaba constantemente la hora y lugar de los servicios funerarios. Yo no salía del shock; no podía creerlo. Después de algunos días por fin se determinó el día y lugar de la misa de cuerpo presente. Hice los arreglos necesarios y con el corazón pesado viajamos hacia allá. Llegamos a la misa cuando estaba por terminar. Empecé a comprender que había perdido más que a Mayel. Perdí la conexión familiar que sentía. Noté por primera vez que ese sentimiento de tanta familiaridad solo lo tenía con él. Yo era una extraña para cualquier otra persona, aun para sus hijos, incluso cuando tenemos la misma sangre. Ahora, los mismos rostros felices que había visto en la reunión familiar estaban conmovidos por el dolor, y aunque los había visto más de una vez, me parecieron desconocidos.

Llegamos al panteón, ese panteón en particular que no me gusta. El aire olía a flores, las flores que anuncian la muerte, una combinación de dulce perfume y agua estancada. Ese lugar siempre me ha dado una sensación extraña, y aunque disfruto ir a los cementerios por mis investigaciones genealógicas, más de una vez he querido salir corriendo de ahí. Las tumbas están tan juntas que parecen estar una encima de la otra, y aun cuando algunas de ellas tienen flores, lucen abandonadas, con ese peculiar color gris que toman las lápidas después de los años. El panteón se veía más triste que nunca.

Finalmente llegamos al lugar; era pequeño, rodeado de otras tumbas y detrás de una capilla diminuta. Era el espacio justo para poner el ataúd. Quería acercarme, pero no era su familia cercana, así que me paré detrás y esperé a que terminara. No podía creer cómo era posible que una persona tan importante para mí estuviera en ese pequeño espacio rodeado de tierra fría. ¿Cómo era posible que mis esperanzas fueran enterradas bajo esa tierra gris que huele a flor de muerto? El sol brillaba y hacía calor, pero mi corazón se sentía frío y vacío. Me senté detrás de todos y fingí estar bien. Nadie podía entender mis sentimientos, incluso yo. No podía entender cómo era que mi corazón estaba roto. ¿Cómo era posible que la muerte de alguien a quien apenas conocí me afectara de esta manera? ¿Cómo explicar que había llorado más por su muerte que por la de mamá? Me sentía culpable. Casi no lo conocía. No tenía derecho a sentir esto. No era lógico. Pero era real.

Ha habido otras «Marquezadas» después de la partida de Mayel. Otros se han encargado de organizar la comida, el salón y el baile, pero nadie ha conseguido que se sienta la calidez de antes. He conocido a otros familiares, descubierto nuevos rostros, pero no logro encontrar a nadie como él. Todavía lloro cuando lo recuerdo y me pregunto por qué su memoria se introdujo tan profundamente dentro de mí. Siento amor y dolor por alguien que apenas conocí, pero la conexión entre nosotros era más profunda de lo que jamás imaginé. Extraño la sinceridad en su voz, su calidez al hablarme. Extraño el cómo me sentía a su lado. He comprendido lo difícil que es conectar con alguien de esa manera, que algunos jamás lo logran. Y lo mucho que debemos atesorarlo cuando sucede.

2020 Mormon Lit Blitz Winners: Audience Choice and Judge’s Choice

This year’s contest will stand out in our memories. The year when the Church marked the 200th anniversary of the First Vision has turned out to be one where we also wrestle more than usual with the weight of mortality. By the time the call for entries went up, we were well into a pandemic with a high death toll and no end in sight. Between the writing and the contest itself, racist violence in the United States drew sustained international attention to the cause of racial justice. There was a lot for readers to reflect on as they read the finalists.

And this year, many of the finalists in the contest spoke to the things we were thinking about: sickness and death, closed temples and quiet moments, Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, Black experience and our call to discipleship across difference.

Thanks to support from our patrons, we’ll be awarding two prizes this year. There will be a $100 prize for the 1st place winner of the Audience Choice Award, and an additional $100 prize for the winner of the Judge’s Choice Award.

Audience Choice Award

We had over 300 people vote in the contest. Every single finalist had many voters choose it as their first, second, third, fourth place choices. With some help from Excel, we’ve tabulated people’s preferences.

The four audience favorite finalists this year were:

4th place: “Perfection is a Fullness” by Jeanine Bee

3rd place: “Part Heaven” by Madison Beckstrand

2nd place: “In the Locker Room at the Temple” by Darlene Young


and for 1st place, an essay from Cape Verde:

O Nosso Cão Stromberg” (“Our Dog Stromberg“) by César Augusto Medina Fortes

Spotlight on César:

César Augusto Medina Fortes was born in the city of Mindelo, on São Vicente island in Cape Verde. He graduated as a teacher with a degree in comprehensive basic education from the Pedagogical Institute of Mindelo, and a degree in educational sciences and praxis from Jean Piaget de Mindelo University; he did postgraduate work in youth and adult education at the Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil; he also holds a Masters in Pedagogical Supervision and Evaluation from the University of Cape Verde (UNICV).

He was a primary school teacher for nine years, taught secondary education for seven years, and since 2017 he had been a coordinator for social action for the Ministry of Education in São Vicente. He has enjoyed writing since high school, and one of his favorite hobbies is writing the stories of his family.

The bio in Portuguese:

César Augusto Medina Fortes Natural da cidade de Mindelo, ilha de São Vicente, Cabo Verde. Formado como professor de Educação Básica Integral pelo Instituto Pedagógico de Mindelo, Licenciado em Ciências da Educação e Práxis Educativa pela Universalidade Jean Piaget de Mindelo; pós-graduado em Educação de Jovens e Adultos pela Universidade Federal de Paraíba, Brasil; mestrando em Supervisão Pedagógica e Avaliação pela Universidade de Cabo Verde (UNICV). Foi professor do Ensino Primário durante nove anos, lecionou por sete anos no Ensino Secundário e desde 2017 é coordenador de ação social na delegação do Ministério de Educação em São Vicente. Gosta de escrever desde o tempo que andaandava no liceu. Um dos meus passatempos preferido é escrever a história da nossa família.

Judge’s Choice Award

This year, we invited Katherine Cowley to select the recipient of the Judge’s Choice award. Katherine Cowley is a past winner of the Mormon Lit Blitz and of Segullah’s annual writing contest. She is currently leading the team creating an anthology of the first five years of finalists in the Mormon Lit Blitz. Her debut novel, The Secret Life of Miss Mary Bennet, will be released in Spring 2021.

The Judge’s Choice Award goes to:

Part Heaven” by Madison Beckstrand

The following is a brief citation that Katherine Cowley provided for the award:

Madison Beckstrand’s poem, “Part Heaven,” is both brilliantly written and timely. The poem takes a simple moment–a black woman having her hair done by her mother–and uses this moment to expand our understanding of history, culture, race, family, sacred ordinances, and the very nature of God. The poem does not shy from struggle, and addresses the black pain not just experienced in broader society, but in our religious communities (“Divine wrath smells like chemical straighteners–stings like compliments from strangers”). Intrinsic in this experience is the weight of memory, and “the many that bled…for the future.” The imagery of blood has extra significance in light of the current worldwide protests over the killing of George Floyd and the treatment of blacks in the United States and worldwide. The poem also explores the importance of physical moments: touch is used to minister to others as the Savior did, to perform sacred ordinances, to give blessings, and to style hair. The final stanza paints a beautiful picture of divinity, and the way that the act of having a mother do your hair can be a window to understanding the nature of God.

Spotlight on Madison Beckstrand:

Madison Beckstrand is a writer and university student majoring in English Education. She loves writing, sewing, creating, and uses her talents to connect with her family and community. Madison is involved with her local chapter of Black Lives Matter, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints’ Genesis group, and the Humanity Sews project. She plans to write much more and is only encouraged by everyone’s support.


Please join us in congratulating César Augusto Medina Fortes and Madison Beckstrand on their awards in this year’s contest.

We hope you’ll join us in August to read the top three finalists in the Spanish-language “Palabras de Mormon” contest, co-sponsored by the Cofradía de Letras Mormonas and the Mormon Lit Lab. And stayed tuned for updates on our forthcoming anthology and future publishing projects.

-Nicole and James Goldberg, Editors

2020 Mormon Lit Blitz Voting

Voting Instructions

Time to vote in the 2020 Mormon Lit Blitz!

To vote, take a look at each of the twelve (very short) finalists and rank your top four in the form below by the end of the day on Saturday, June 26th. You must enter four ranked favorites in order to submit a vote. We’ll announce the winner on Monday, June 29th.

The finalists are:

Resurrection by Easter 2020” by Selina Forsyth
Perfection is a Fullness” by Jeanine Bee
Orpheus Sings to Mary and Martha” by Emily Harris Adams
Family Tree” by Merrijane Rice
Three Generations of Sonder” by Chanel Earl
Airplanes that Crashed: A Book of Mormon Coloring Book” by Jared Forsyth
Final Report” by Mattathias Westwood
Portal Friends” by Annaliese Lemmon
Part Heaven” by Madison Beckstrand
O Nosso Cão Stromberg” (“Our Dog Stromberg“) by César Augusto Medina Fortes
In the Locker Room at the Temple” by Darlene Young
Brother and Sister” by Scott Hales


While you’re here, you might be interested in some updates:

Palabras de Mormon Contest Winners

This year, we also supported the Cofradía de Letras Mormonas in running a Spanish-language contest for Mormon Literature. Winners will appear in the July issue of their periodical, El Pregonero de Deseret. English translations of the top three pieces will be published on this website in August.

Mormon Lit Blitz Anthology

Thanks to encouragement from our patrons, we’ve also been working on a print and ebook anthology of finalists from the Mormon Lit Blitz and related contests (Four Centuries of Mormon Stories, Meeting of the Myths) from the contest’s first five years. We anticipate launching a Kickstarter later this summer as we prepare for print. Stay tuned for details.

New Program for Alumni

Finally, we’ve been working on a program to support past Mormon Lit Blitz finalist writers who are interested in developing a book-length work for publication. Details are forthcoming, but if you’ve been a finalist in any of our contests, this is advance notice that we’ll be inviting people to submit book proposals this fall.

Congratulations once again to all this year’s finalists. If you’re interested in additional updates, you can follow us on Facebook or sign up for our email list.