In English, the word “myth” is often used to mean “a story which has no basis in fact.” This is unfortunate, since English has no better word than myth to describe “a story which humans use to make meaning out of existence.”
Some myths–in the latter sense–are grounded in fact. Others are not. But all are stories that capture the human imagination, that we return to again and again, because they help our limited minds to glimpse something important and real.
We asked writers to take some of the myths that fill their worlds and mix them together into new stories to give us new chances at insight. If you join us this week, you will read about tribal shamans and world councils, about zombies and vampires and aliens, about the enchanted ones with the blessings and burdens they carry, about Mormon pioneers in 19th century America and modern Brazil–always reading, in the process, about what it means to be a child of God in your journey through a strange and moving earth.

When all seven stories are posted and read, we’ll ask you to rank your favorite three and email your votes to Until then, we hope you enjoy the mystery and the magic of this year’s “Meeting of the Myths” contest.
-Nicole and James Goldberg, Contest Editors