Since the beginning of January, we have been posting the work of finalists in the 2012 Four Centuries of Mormon Stories contest. It’s made for some great reading and given us a chance to see what writers in our broad LDS community have been doing, and can do, with Mormon themes. We have now posted all of these finalists’ work online, so it’s appropriate that we also record here who won the contest back in 2012.
And the winners are…
First Place: “Avek, Who Is Distributed,” by Steven Peck
Second Place: “When the Bishop Started Killing Dogs,” by Steven Peck
Third Place: “Waiting,” by Katherine Cowley and “Something Practical,” by Melody Burris (a tie)
Going forward, we will post the remainder of the content from the Everyday Mormon Writer website. Initially, we won’t associate posted content with a particular contest, but we may go back and tag posts that way at a later date. Much of the content will be from past LitBlitz contests, but some will be stories of interest that were originally published on the Everyday Mormon Writer website.
Hope you have enjoyed reading these great stories! Keep coming back to read more, and if you’re a writer, write!
What stories did you like? Comment below.
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